Serving The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and surrounding areas.
Why should you choose LichtensteinRE when you are in search of commercial real estate for sale in NYC?
- LichtensteinRE has been in business for almost 40 years, not 15 minutes like many other companies.
- LichtensteinRE’s associates have procured billions in commercial mortgage financing before many of our competitors were even a concept.
- LichtensteinRE will provide you with the money you need now.
Don’t be confused. Just having access to thousands of lenders does not assure you a mortgage approval. It is LichtensteinRE’s expertise and relationships to each of the key decision makers that get our clients approved.
Why is that?
Because loan officers keep their jobs based on two criteria:
- They must meet their lending quota, typically up to several hundred million dollars annually
- They must not make any bad loans
Mortgage lenders return calls to the professionals who can best fill their quota in the most efficient manor. Being a big owner is no guarantee of approval. Even the largest commercial property owner may only be able to finance one or two loans at a time. LichtensteinRE’s economy of scale can fill the lender’s lending quota with hundreds of millions in financing annually.
LichtensteinRE uses its leverage to influence, negotiate terms, and resolve problems with credit underwriters, institutional presidents and some of the wealthiest private investors in the world. We know them on a first name basis.
Recreating our network of relationships would take decades of full-time effort, and the market evolves too quickly for static strategies. At LichtensteinRE, we stay ahead of market changes daily, ensuring our clients remain informed, competitive, and empowered to make the best decisions.